Review | Lord & Berry ASOS Exclusive Lip Colour Set

I recently picked up this set from ASOS and seeing as it’s even cheaper now (£11) I thought it would be a suitable time to review it ^_^
*EDIT: Just read that these are RRP £7.50 each!! SO THIS IS AN AMAZING BARGAIN*

Lord & Berry is a makeup brand that I’ve only seen on the internet, but I was drawn to it’s cute sleek packaging. I’ve also really started enjoying using lip-liners, either as an all over the lip matte or just to define my lips. Its a step a lot of people tend to skip, but can make a lot of difference.
I only own two or three lip liners from Rimmel, so this set is a great introduction to the brand aswell as a range of colours I hadn’t previously owned. I’m especially happy with the lightest and darkest shade, because a good neutral lip liner is invaluable and for a darker lip, lining and defining the lips is essential.
Prior to trying these out, I had the expectation that they would be a little drying as obviously they’re a pencil product. I’ve tried a cheap lipliner from Natural Collection which left much to be desired, and the Rimmel ones are lovely but lack a wide range of shades. So I was expecting a decent pigmentation, at least slightly creamy/easy to apply and also long lasting. They’re labelled ‘Kissproof’ and ‘waterproof’ so these expectations weren’t much to ask for.
My favourite, and the one that will undoubtedly get the most use blush is a beautiful neutral pink colour that matches my ‘go-to’ lip colour of choice perfectly. I tend to favour the nudish-pinks and this liner defines my lips beautifully, even when just wearing a gloss (this Barry M one or Bobbi Brown one). A little trick I’ve picked up is instead of applying this all around the lips, just line the top (cupid bow) and bottom middle part. This will make them appear fuller as it emphasises the fullest part of the lips. Blossom is a mauveish-bluish pink and again lovely for a slightly darker pink lip. I don’t have a great deal to say about it other than it’s a welcome addition to my sparse lipliner collection. Sienna is a red with a tinge of orange mixed into it. It’s a nice enough colour, not anything particularly special but I’m sure it’ll come in handy when doing a red lip. Finally my second favourite Black Red which is more of a purple and matches PERFECTLY with Rimmel’s lasting perfection lipstick in 04 (the vampy one). I think with any bold/dark lip a liner is essential and I can’t express how perfectly these two go together. Not that I’ll be reaching for this often, but it was an awkward bold colour to find the perfect liner for, so happy Lord&Berry have provided that for me ^_^
They’re smooth and easy to apply. Not the MOST creamy but defo worth their combined price!
Do you have any favourite liners? Please share them below I’d love to read your favourites!