April Update & Northampton Bloggers Meet-up!

april update northampton bloggers meetup

Hello everybody! I haven’t blogged for what feels like weeks and weeks! This week in particular has been horrendous, with Uni kindly giving me three exams in three days! I do still have one left next week, but after a little refreshing nap I decided I need to type up a little post, which is almost two weeks overdue. It has been far too long blogging world!

A wonderful wedding

April was the busiest month yet, starting off with my uncle’s wedding (which was actually the very end of March but we shall roll with this) and it was probably the most anticipated event of the year for our family ^_^ And masha’Allah what an amazing wedding it was! I ended up taking around 400 photos! Practise makes perfect as they say – so here are a few to share with you all. I didn’t want to post anyone’s faces, privacy and all that but I hope you enjoy this small selection!

Wedding Car The Blushing Giraffe Photography The Blushing Giraffe Photography

These were my auntie’s sleeve’s – how gorgeous!!

cupcakes  The Blushing Giraffe Photographycake cake cake

The most delicious cupcakes ever! And the wedding cake with a poke in it haha

going insidemy outfittable decorations

The decorations right at the end. Most of the photos were of the family,  but I’m pretty happy with how these little details turned out.


Burgers and the best company

At the start of April, my best friend Ana came home from Uni, and we went to try the newish burger place in town^_^ It was pretty cute, with an American diner sort of feel, and Ana told me she had first saw this place on Sammie’s blog!

burgersveggie burgermmmmmmm

The food was really delicious,  though I had to pick the veg option but it was just so nice to take a step back from the business of studying and working and just have a good ol’ catch-up!


Northampton Blogger’s Meet-up

Around the end of April I was lucky enough to attend my first ever blogger meet up! It was organised by the lovely Mia and Amber who did an AMAZING JOB, and it was located in Northampton. I don’t actually live there, but I’m in and out of Northamptonshire all the time and as I’ve not heard of any bloggers from my hometown, I figured this would be the closest meetup possible! I was pretty apprehensive about the whole thing, although I love writing comments and replying to people, tweeting etc.; in real life I always worry that I’ll come across as quite anti-social or boring – especially as I wasn’t REALLY familiar with any of the bloggers attending! But honestly it was such a fabulous day out! I meet some lovely girls, who also happen to be very talented bloggers ;D

mocktailactually called a nohijo haha

The day started off with some drinks (mine were of course non-alcoholic as were the lovely Shanaz and Kamarle who are a sister blogging duo – do check out their fantastic blog here!). This was my first experience of a mock tail and in all honesty I thought there would be more of the drink and less of the ice! But a nice refreshing start nonetheless 😛

and we were then introduced to a lovely lady called Becky who makes and sells soaps and shower gels in her kitchen! Her company is called Harlequin Cosmetics. I think its really impressive to start up your own business literally from your kitchen, and I admired her business flair!  She also kindly gave us samples of two of the soaps.

homemade soap

There was a raffle held which some amaaaazing prizes, and I was lucky enough to win this Mandara Spa soap and hand cream duo 😀 I NEVER win ANYTHING so this was super exciting!

I won something woho

And they look perfect in our family bathroom ^_^

pizza express nom nom

After the intro, we went on to Pizza express, and waiting for us was a long table filled with goody bags! It was ever so exciting ^_^ We had all pre-ordered in advanced, and the dough balls were delicious, as was the pizza. We tucked into our huge and generous goodybags after lunch too, and took a sneak peak at some of the things we got. It was so overwhelming to come home and tip them all over the bed! Once again a massive thank you to Mia and Amber!

lots of lovely goodies


In-between the meal and the next treat…we had an hour to spare, so we all went our separate ways shopping. I went with Shanaz and       to H&M and ended up spending more than I had planned on clothes – but I did restrain myself when it came to Primark so *pats self on the back* not too bad after all ;D Here’s a random snap from the jewellery stand! And on a side note I have been LOVING H&M jewellery recently! So simple, chic and on point with the best prices too! We were laden down with the goodybags, shopping bags, cameras, handbags –  I can imagine we look like a bunch of crazy ladies laughing down the street!


After a lovely bit of shopping, we were able to move onto one of the best part of the day – our exclusive Lush party! It started at 5:30 when the whole centre had closed, and we were lucky enough to get a tour and talk through about everything to do with lush! I have SOO many photos from this part of the day, and as I haven’t cropped them all and sorted them out, I think I’ll dedicate a whole post to this very soon so keep an eye out for that if you’re interested ^_^

Mia and Amber you both organised a brilliant event! Thank you SO much for all your hard work, it lead to a wonderful day and I’m excited for the next one now 😛

Phew! So quite the busy April I had! Our house has finally come together too and it was lovely having all the family over to see it, and I have done quite a bit of hauling over the past 3 weeks too…would anyone like to see a collective beauty haul? I’m really excited to get back into the swing of blogging soon, and catch up on my endless bloglovin list! I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the beautiful May weather – goodluck to those of you fellow students, I feel ya pain ._. hang in there, we can do it!!!


Thanks for reading!

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