Back from my blogging hiatus & a heart to heart

Well hello hello, it has been a VERY long time since I have sat down to properly blog and my what a whirlwind of a couple of weeks it has been! It has almost been over 2 months, which is the longest time I have ever not blogged. And its about time I changed that.

The end of teacher training + supply work
So yes, regular readers of my blog will know that I have come to the end of my course and that is mainly what my time has ben consumed with for the last few weeks. The children in my class had their SATs which is as stressful a time for the staff involved, as it is for the pupils themselves and completely exhausting. Our school then began a surge of big writing and that was tough, especially as my ‘teaching practice’ increased a lot from post Easter. I am planning on doing a whole detailed post to complete my teacher training series with a Q&A section too, but essentially my career and everything that comes with it is why I HAD to take a blogging hiatus. I did once or twice try to blog, but found myself too tired and overwhelmed to produce any quality content and that just stressed me out even more. So yes, the person typing this right now is officially a qualified teacher (or NQT to be precise!) and also a PGCE holder, Alhamdulillah! This means I can God willing teach abroad in the future, which has honestly been a dream of mine for years. It also means that I am currently about to earn some decent mullah as a supply teacher!! Which is awesome. I mean my student job, which was 48-64 hours a month earned me slightly less than 3 days of supply work (equivalent to 22.5 hours). I KNOW. I AM IN SHOCK TOO. Haha. Not to say that being a tutor didn’t have its benefits, but to finally be qualified and earning a decent wage from it….well it feels flipping fantastic!

The plan from now and heart to heart
I have to be really honest and say that I am finding it soooo difficult to blog, and for once it’s not because I don’t have the time. I think partly its cause I am so out of habit, but also I find the blogging world difficult to get back into because the quality of everyone’s content it just unattainable! Or at least it feels that way. I kinda feel a bit like a youtuber when i say, I miss the good old days where I could write from the soul and not have to put too much time and effort into the photography for my work to get a decent amount of readers. Again, the blogosphere has become hugely over saturated and perhaps it is only pressure I am putting on myself, but I really hate it. And to be honest, a part of me feels like I’ve gone through enough pressure and ish with my course and this blog is meant to be my hobby for goodness sakes! So do I need to be adding extra strain onto my plate? No, no I really don’t.

I also think, being completely honest, I always used to feel like my content wasn’t quite good enough and thats part of being a very imperfect perfectionist! I am going to try my best to just post as and when I can and not worry too much about the aesthetics, with the hope that my loyal readers will continue to support my work. I literally make about £10-£20 from my blog a month, so for me its not ever been about the money LOOL. Ultimately right now I am living my dream life career wise, or at least I’m a couple of weeks away from it and of course my career will always come first cause it means a lot to me. However, I don’t for a second underestimate the powerful impact running the blushing giraffe has had for me and the beautiful people I’ve been able to ‘meet’, who have made my life better in so many ways. That’s the main reason why I still want to keep this minuscule corner of the net alive, I’m not doing it for the numbers, fame and certainly not the money – I just love beauty and I love connecting with genuine and like-minded people. 💖

Now over to YOU, how have you been doing lately?  

Thank-you for reading